30 HTML CSS JavaScript project ideas

Hello wizards 👋,

Are you looking for project ideas that involve using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

Here are 30 project ideas to get you started 👇.

Project-01 (A message to pass)

Project-02 (Random colors)

Project-03 (Counter)

Project-04 (Image slider)

Project-05 (Animated Cursor)

Project-06 (Random Joke Generator)

Project-07 (Country Guide)

Project-08 (To-Do List App)

Project-09 (Stop Watch)

Project-10 (Rotating Image Gallery)

Project-11 (Drum Kits)

Project-12 (Calender)

Project-13 (Question & Answer Section)

Project-14 (Weather App)

Project-15 (Dictionary App)

Project-16 (Battery Status Detector)

Project-17 (User Location Detector)

Project-18 (File Downloader)

Project-19 (Temperature Convertor)

Project-20 (Rock, Paper & Scissor Game)

Project-21 (Pop-Up)

Project-22 (Text Typing Animation)

Project-23 (Dice Roll Simulator)

Project-24 (Text to Speech Convertor)

Project-25 (Customer Feedback)

Project-26 (Clock (Analog + Digital))

Project-27 (10K Followers)

Project-28 (Custom Code Editor)

Project-29 (Gradient Color Generator)

Project-30 (Simple Calculator)

All these projects are covered from basic to advance level.

These are just a few project ideas that you can try out with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The possibilities are endless, and it's up to you to explore and experiment with these tools to create amazing web projects.

Happy coding...!

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